A Conclusion of the Successful Outbound and Inbound Exchange Camp
Both the outbound and inbound exchanges have been completed successful over the summer in 2015. All students have had a tremandous experience brining their culture to their designations sharing among those joining them from different countries around the world. It is a door opening opportunity for the youth to take part in the global context and we are pleased with the wonderful feedback. Thanks to the Lions Club International Youth Exchange Program, the Hong Kong Youth Exchange Foundation, the Lions Club International District 303 Hong Kong & Macau, China, and the support of all the co-organizers and sponsors. It is your contribution and participation making this the Hong Kong Youth Exchange 2015-16 another year of success. We are pround to present you some of the snapshots and reports from the Exchange program. May the memories of the exchange students be the utmost acknowledgement of your generousity.
Ida's Report to Turkey Camp - Catch the spirit of Istanbul
International Night at Hong Kong YE Camp